Prof. dr. José van Dijck, President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and professor of comparative media studies at the University of Amsterdam
Prof. dr. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leon Levy Professor in Princeton, US, Universiteitshoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam
Photographer Andrea Kane
Prof. dr. ir. Henk Dijkstra, professor and head of department Physics and Astronomy at Utrecht University
Prof. dr. Gerrit van Meer, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University
Prof. Dr. Jan van Ruitenbeek, Chairman of the Dutch Physics Society (NNV)
Prof. dr. Peter van der Straten, professor at Utrecht University in Cold Atoms and Atomic Physics
Prof. dr. Martinus Veltman, Nobel prize laureate (Physics, 1999, "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics")
Jan van Zanen, Mayor of Utrecht, former chairman of VVD.
Prof. dr. Bert van der Zwaan, Rector Magnificus and Vice-President Utrecht University
Our ambassadors aren't the only people we owe great thanks to. The Program Committee has also helped us with making a fantastic, interesting and diverse program of lectures.
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